As an experienced driver, chances are that by now you’ve overcome the “optical illusion” your brain creates for you when you get behind the wheel.

But for a beginner, the Optical Illusion creates a very real hurdle. You overcome this problem with a combination of demonstration (as we describe in our first Parking Lot Video), getting out of the vehicle and walking off the area, drawing the void area, and, most important, targeting well ahead to identify that path that the forward pivot point must track.

It’s even okay if you feel like you need to repeat this exercise the first few times you go to the Parking Lot. It’s not simply a matter of intellectual assent, it’s more a matter of training your eyes where to look and how to read the open space.

I hope you find this video helpful. This is an essential fundamental that you want to make sure that your student has grasped and is in the habit of targeting ahead and projecting the path the pivot point tracks.