Sooner or later a parent hears those most feared of all words: “I’m old enough to get a driver permit!” As much as we might like to forget or ignore the fact that our children are growing up all the time, they are, and when the day comes, you might as well be prepared. The age at which a teen can get a learners permit is as low as 14 in some states. In other states you must be 17. In both cases, you generally have to go through a transitional licensing process of some kind. This means that as you mature you get more driving privileges, as long as you stay out of trouble while on the road. Taking the Written Test Before your teen gets his or her permit and is allowed to drive under supervision, he or she must take a written exam. This exam will test your teen’s knowledge of the basic rules of the road. Each state has some sort of booklet or online resource that provides the information necessary, and an opportunity to study prior to testing. Some driver’s ed programs include classroom instruction that teaches teens what they need to know in order to pass the exam. The exam is then provided in class, and the students can retake it if needed. Once they pass their exam, they get their initial permit and can be taken out for their first experience on the road. In states where there are few requirements related to getting a driver’s permit, it is wise for parents to avail themselves of a home-based driver education program. Taking a child out on the road before they know the basics is dangerous. Road time and Classroom time Once your teen has their learning permit, they will be expected to drive for a certain number of hours, in varying conditions, before they apply for a permanent license. Again, each state has its own rules as to how many hours are required and how long a new driver must hold a permit before they can drive independently. Many states have a graduated license program that slowly increases the hours of the day that a new driver may be on the road and how many people they are permitted to have in the vehicle. States with such programs have found that fewer accidents occur when young drivers are restricted until they have proven themselves on the road. In addition to the state imposed restrictions, parents can and should make the final decision as to when their teen is ready to assume the responsibility inherent in driving a car independently. Home-Based Driver Education Programs Can Help No matter which driver’s ed program you choose, sooner or later the time in the classroom and supervision on the road will end. At that point, parents need to make some difficult decisions. If you don’t feel that your teen learned all the skills needed to avoid driving dangerously, a home-based driver’s ed program can be a great supplement and put your mind at ease. At least some of the material should be a review, but a good program will give your teen the opportunity to see, visually using video and graphics, just what kind of challenges await them out on the road. By using such a program, you and your teen can learn how to deal with unexpected situations, and then take that classroom knowledge out onto the roads to practice. It feels so good to know that your child is ready to move from their driver permit to a license. A home based driver’s ed program removes the guess work.

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