Products NM


Before purchasing and starting your course, please submit your application to enroll in a correspondence driver education school.

Click here to print the application (PDF format)

For additional information on the requirements for qualifying and enrolling in an approved Correspondence driver education school, please visit their website at

You can submit your application by mail to the following address:

Mailing Address:
UNM Traffic Safety Center
MSC07 40301
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

Or go to the New Mexico TSC web site and download the form by clicking and clicking on Application to Enroll in Driver Education Correspondence School.

Warning: Driver Education Can Kill Your Teenager


  • Motor vehicle crashes are still the leading cause of deaths and injuries to teenagers even after three generations of driver education.
  • There is nothing else your teenager will do on a daily basis that puts their lives at risk.
  • Other driver education courses emphasize classroom over in-vehicle training.
  • Don’t think this can’t happen to you and your family.

Why Driver Ed in a Box is your best choice for teaching your teen to drive:

  • You complete the course at your own pace and on your own schedule.
  • Your teen will master each skill set before moving on to the next skill.
  • It gives your teen the confidence to drive in all kinds of traffic, and anytime of the day or week.
  • Your teen will leave the program a safer driver than those that take traditional drivers education.
  • Your teenager is only going to learn to drive once in their lifetime
  • Driver Ed in a Box is the only course that guarantees your teen drives their first year collision-free or your money back!


online_drivers_edThe collision rate is the number of collisions reported to the Department of Public Safety as reflected on the individual driver records divided by the number of licensed drivers in that category (then multiplied by 100 to convert to a percentage).

The latest published version of the Department of Public Safety’s Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident 2001 statistics book on page 36 states 141,357 licensed 16 year old drivers had 16,113 reported collisions for a collision rate of 11.4%.

In April of 2005 a random sample of 1,009 of Driver Ed in a Box® 16 year old graduates’ driving records were pulled directly from the Department of Public Safety’s records. The Driver Ed in a Box® 16 year old graduates had only 14 collisions for a collision rate of 1.4%.

Let’s compare those 2 numbers side-by-side:

Driver Ed in a Box® graduates: 1.4% collision rate
All other driver education graduates: 11.4% collision rate

Driver Ed in a Box® graduates are significantly safer drivers
over 8 times safer!

The Parent Companion

parent_companionThis is a spiral bound book for the parent that is easy and convenient to use during the in-vehicle training.

This invaluable tool contains:

  • Introduction to the Driver Ed in a Box® program
  • Structure of Classroom & In-Vehicle Lessons
  • Classroom Lesson Plans & Record Keeping
  • In-Vehicle Checklists & Record Keeping
  • Coaching Tips & Diagrams to assist with effective in-vehicle training
  • Commitment to Drive Sober & Be Responsible, a family commitment to safe and responsible driving
  • Parent Review of Audio Series, to serve as a reminder of key points.
  • Glossary of Commentary Terms
  • Forms for Certificate of Completion.
  • In-Vehicle Checklists – Keep you prepared and organized, making it easy to stay on track and focused. You don’t have to worry about accidentally leaving something out.
  • Logs – Simple system for keeping track of all your in-vehicle time.
  • Diagrams – Handy, practical, and useful in-vehicle diagrams and illustrations that make it easier to communicate with your student.
  • Forms & Checklists for Licensing – DPS forms and checklists for obtaining the Learner’s License (Permit) – which you get after the first 6 hours of class – and the forms you need to obtain your Certificate of Completion, which you’ll need for the Driver License.

15 Videos

drivers_ed_videosDriver Ed in a Box® includes 15 videos independently produced by Driver Ed in a Box® from the perspective of a parent and student working together in the vehicle.

2 Bonus Videos

Includes 2 bonus videos. One that addresses drinking & driving (a true story), and a video that explains Anti-lock Braking Systems.

Instructor Coaching Video Series

A growing library of coaching tips where Patrick Barrett goes into more detail and depth to make your in-vehicle preparation and experience even easier. With these coaching videos, you’ll be teaching like a seasoned pro.

The 42 Part Audio Series

pat_barrettDriver Ed in a Box® features a 42 part audio series for parents to prepare for each stage of in-vehicle training.

Parents can listen while traveling to and from work, running errands, or working around the house. Listen to each section just preceding work on the next area of in-vehicle training, so the information is fresh in your mind as you begin that training phase. Some parents select certain segments of the audio series for the student to listen to before or after beginning a training area. Parents have told us that it often helps for the student to hear the reasons for training methods from another source than the parent.


The Training Mirrors

The round, flat Eye Check Mirror allows the parent to see at a glance where the student`s eyes are focused. Not even most driving school instructors know to use this mirror!

A fixed stare, failure to check the blind spot before moving to a new lane, or failure to check the rear view before slowing are easily detected. This allows the parent to coach the student until the student has developed the correct HABITS of eye movement. Training safety is enhanced by using the convex, rectangular mirror allowing the parent or guardian to see what is happening behind the vehicle, while keeping all vehicle mirrors adjusted for the student.


The Student Driver Sign

Every Driver Ed in a Box® comes with a black and white Student Driver sign that is easily attached and removed from your vehicle, and is optional for your use in most states.

Certificate of Completion

Upon satisfactory completion of the course, fill out and send the Completion Affidavit and Surveys to Driver Ed in a Box® to receive your Certificate of Completion. This also includes a separate Certificate for your insurance discount.

Driving Journal

Recent changes require that students document how they’re going to apply what they’ve learned. This Driving Journal allows you to meet this requirement, while giving you an opportunity to record memorable experiences in your driver ed journey.

Full Online Course

We GUARANTEE that your teen will drive COLLISION-FREE! – or your money back!

We guarantee that once you successfully complete all the requirements of the Driver Ed in a Box® course and has been issued a Certificate of Completion you will drive collision free for a full 12 months**. If you have a driver-error collision within one year from the date of completion resulting in a claim being filed and a deductible being paid, we will refund the full amount paid for the program.