North Carolina
Traditional Driver Ed School Required
In North Carolina teens are required to attend a traditional driver ed school, usually offered through a school or a local commercial center, in order to get their license. But what if you want to do more than just learn to drive? What if you want to learn to drive collision-free? If you want to do that, then you need Driver Ed in a Box®. Only Driver Ed in a Box® gives you the tools you need in order to create and build the habits of collision-free driving. While you attend driving school, you can use our program as supplemental material, as many of our customers in North Carolina have.
“Excellent. Provided all the necessary information with good supporting materials.” – Erin James, Greensboro, North Carolina
“Even though I did not particularly like the oral commentary at first, I soon learned how necessary it is. For example, the SMOG sequence taught me how to change lanes safely. I learned that I must develop a habit of always going over SMOG in my head before I change lanes until it becomes an automatic function. The same is true for all of the commentary used in the program.” – Mark Bulpitt, Student
“Driver Ed in a Box® is very thorough – comments from friends in drivers ed. thought we were getting much more information and help than their teen.” – Dianne Logan, Parent