These days, teens are used to getting things real quick, right away. With the internet at their fingertips, in their phones, there’s a lot of instant feedback and reward for things that they do. Your teen hears a song she likes, puts out a “tweet” about it, and instantly fifteen people “like” her post.

Things move faster today than you or I might be used to, and that’s okay. Still, in a time when everything moves faster, there are things that are just better when they go slower. One of those things is learning how to drive. Your teen might be itching to get through it and get her license, but take the time to do it thoroughly, and do it right. The more time you take, the more thorough you can be, and the better your teen will be at driving when you finally do go get the driver license.

Watch this video to see Patrick Barrett, the Driver Education Guru, talk about how delaying the gratification of a driver license can actually help your teen.