Today’s coaching tip is actually one I got from a tip about swimming. When swimming, it can actually be more efficient to go slower using fewer strokes to go the same distance. Especially for long distances, going slower and more efficiently will get you to the finish faster. So how can you apply this notion to your driver education?

It’s not that hard, actually. Just keep in mind that driving is not racing. When you’re approaching a red light, you don’t want to race up to the intersection just to have to stop. You slow early and gradually, and if you time it right, then you never have to come to a complete stop before the light turns green, you just keep rolling. Not only can this be truly faster than racing up to the intersection (it’s easier and faster to pick up speed while already in motion as opposed to coming from a complete stop), but it’s also just plain better for your car in the long run. That wear and tear on your vehicle from hard stops and stomping on the gas pedal, they add up.

Swimming or driving, sometimes going slower is faster, and going efficiently is always better.,

Watch this video to see me, Patrick Barrett, the Driver Education Guru, talk more about going slower to go faster.