The first part of a successful lesson is a review of the previous lesson. You want to go over everything that the student did in the past lesson and remind them of what they did well. You want your student to begin today’s lesson feeling good about their progress.

Yes, you will also review things that are not yet perfect. That means that if they only made a mistake one or two times in the particular situation or on that maneuver, you want to discuss how we can correct that and improve our performance. (Notice we’re using the first person plural; use that language when training. It takes pressure off of the student, and it serves as a reminder that you, as the instructor and parent, have responsibility to ensure that the learning occurs.)

You may be able to accomplish this in a few minutes, or, depending on how much improvement is needed, you may devote a significant portion of the lesson to this review.

Watch this video for more on the 5 Parts of a Successful Lesson!