Beginning drivers get behind the wheel and as soon as they look up the road their brain goes into a “mini-shock” and says “Holy Cow! How am I going to get this great big car into that little bitty lane?”

Okay, those may not be the exact words but that’s the type of translation that’s going on because the void area (the area you cannot see around the car from the driver’s seat) tricks the brain into thinking “this vehicle is 25 feet wide and 70 feet long – what a monster”.

That’s why you do the void area demonstration in the Parking Lot and that is why you may sometimes have to stop the vehicle during a right turn, get out of the vehicle, and let the student see that there still is space between the vehicle and the curb.

This also explains why students prefer to make left turns compared to right turns. On the left turn the void area is much smaller and the turn is more gradual compared to the right turn.

I hope you find that this video helps you and your student in understanding how to overcome
“The Optical Illusion”.