DPS Road Test: Frisco, TX

Appointment Days:
Saturdays and Sundays
– Check McKinney Location for Additional Dates & Times

Braum’s at 2680 W. Main Street, Frisco, TX 75033 (Meet inside in the dining area).

Road Test Requirements vary by age
    • Minors, 16-18, need a valid Texas Learner License permit (B Restriction) that has been held for at least 6 months, the driver education certificate DE-964 for the Driver License, and the certificate for the Impact Texas Teen Drivers (ITTD) course, https://impacttexasdrivers.dps.texas.gov/ITTD/
    • Adults, 18-24, need a valid Texas Driver Learner License permit (B Restriction), a Driver Education certificate from the Adult Driver Education course or an approved Teen or Parent Taught Driver Education course, and completed the Impact Texas Drivers course. * * Additional information below. * * 
    • Adults, 25 and older, need a valid Texas Driver Learner License permit (B Restriction) and completed the Impact Texas Adult Drivers (ITAD) program, which is available for free at https://impacttexasdrivers.dps.texas.gov/ITAD/

    The Impact Texas Drivers (ITD) course is available through the Texas Department of Public Safety’s website: https://impacttexasdrivers.dps.texas.gov/ * * Testers that completed the Adult Driver Education course should complete the Impact Texas Adult Drivers (ITAD).  Testers who complete a full Driver Education course are required to complete the Impact Texas Teen Drivers (ITTD) no matter what their age is. * *

How to Easily Schedule Your Road Test and Pre-Test Appointment Below
  • Click to choose an appointment date in one of the calendars below (available dates are shown as clickable blue links). A small pop up window will then appear. If you see a date that you want and the window has a line through it, click that date – if a cancellation has occurred or a time has opened up, you can schedule on that date.
  • In the popup window, click to choose an available appointment time for that date. Choose 2 appointment times, back to back, if you want a Pre-Test also (see Pre-Test explanation in the next subhead below). The popup window will then close, and the selected date(s) and time(s) of your appointment(s) will be shown just below the calendars. To change an appointment date or time, repeat these steps.
  • Next, enter your phone, name, email, and any comments or questions you may have, in the brief form fields below the calendars. Then click the “Proceed to PayPal Payment Options…” button.
  • After submitting your $159 payment for each appointment securely online, each will be reserved for you, and you’ll be sent a confirmation receipt and appointment details by email.
  • It is important that you read the emails and respond to us as requested – this will speed up the process the day of your test.
  • If you prefer to order by credit card over the phone, call 1-800-562-6405 during our business hours, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
  • If you have any questions, check out our FAQ section here.
For Best Results, Schedule Your Pre-Test (Practice Test)
  • For the best results, we recommend that you schedule a Pre-Test 30 minutes prior to your scheduled Road Test appointment.
  • The Pre-Test is a practice test administered by Mr. Patrick Barrett or one of his sons or associate instructors/examiners (who are all certified, licensed instructors). During the Pre-Test, we can make corrections in your driving that will aid you in scoring better on the test and help you become a safer driver. During the actual test Mr. Barrett (or our associate examiner) is prohibited from helping or coaching you or even answering questions except those concerning directions (state rule).
  • While we strongly recommend the Pre-Test for all applicants, the Pre-Test is practically a MUST for Adultsanyone age 18 and over. Most Adults have had little or no formal training. There are 108 specific items that are scored by the Examiner – the Pre-Test is the best way to insure that you (the applicant) perform at your best and are well prepared for the Road Test.
  • If you are not well prepared for the Road Test, your chances of passing are diminished. Take advantage of the Pre-Test and be prepared.
  • Remember, by rule the Examiner is prohibited from helping or coaching you or even answering questions except those concerning direction. The Pre-Test is a great investment.
  • You can schedule a Pre-Test appointment online for the same price of $159 (both services for $318), at the same time you register for your Road Test appointment. Just make sure you select two available slots back-to-back (30 minutes apart) in our online booking calendar (one after the other, before you checkout through PayPal). This will let you pay for both at the same time, in one transaction. (Having a PayPal account is not required.)
  • If you can not find two adjacent slots 30 minutes apart in our online booking calendar, contact us so we can open up a special day and time for you to take both your Pre-test and DPS Road Test, back-to-back on the same day. Just call us during business hours from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, at: 1-800-562-6405.

Any Questions Before Ordering?

Schedule and Pay for Your DPS Road Test and Pre-Test Below


Select date and time

Your phone number:

Your name:

Your email:


Coupon code (optional):


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)